Our Services

Our Services

Development & Managed Services

As a DevOps consulting company, we help optimize SDLCs, achieve 99% production stability, improve site reliability engineering (SRE), and automate delivery cycles. Our DevOps consulting services and SRE expertise improve business availability and elevate productivity. Drive digital transformation with our DevOps practice.

Cloud Computing

Enhance capabilities, agility, and efficiency of applications using cloud computing technologies and services.

■ Azure
■ OpenStack


Improve the efficiency, reliability, and speed of delivering software applications.

■ GitOps
■ Jenkins
■ Azure DevOps
■ Argo CD


Integrating security practices into the entire software development and delivery lifecycle

■ Gitleaks
■ SonarQube
■ HashiCorp Vault
■ Container Security - NeuVector, Kube-bench, Kube-hunter


Integrating security practices into the entire software development and delivery lifecycle

■ Operating System hardening
■ Cloud Security - ScoutSuite, Cloud Security Suite
■ OpenSCAP

Security Compliances

Best practices that are designed to ensure the confidentiality within an organisation.

■ NIST Cybersecurity Framework
■ SOC 2
■ CIS Controls

Infrastructure Automation

Automate the provisioning, configuration and management of infrastructure resources

■ Configuration Management: Ansible, Puppet, Chef
■ Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Terraform

Containerisation Deployment & Management

Effectively deploy, scale, and manage containerised applications involve various processes and tools.

■ Container Image Creation: Dockerfiles
■ Container Registry: Docker Hub, Google Container Registry (GCR), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Azure Container Registry (ECR).
■ Container Orchestration: Kubernetes, OpenShift, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm
■ Container Runtimes: Docker, containerd, cri-o
■ Deployment: Argo CD, Orchestration manifests (e.g., Kubernetes Deployment YAML files), Helm Chart

Automation Frameworks

Cater to various testing needs such as functional testing, performance testing, and API testing.

■ Programming Languages : Python, Go
■ Testing Tools: Selenium, JUnit, TestNG, Postman, Apache, JMeter, Gatling

Centralised logging, monitoring & notifications

Proactively monitor and manage infrastructure and application deployment

■ Azure/AWS/GCP Log Analytics & Monitoring
■ Elastic Kibana LogStash
■ Prometheus
■ Datadog
■ Grafana
■ Nagios
■ Service Now
■ Jira

How We Work

Find The Right Consulting Can Help Your Business

We empower businesses to navigate market complexities and evolve with agility. Our team of seasoned experts specializes in delivering innovative strategies and transformative solutions across various industries.

Bespoke Strategic Solutions

Industry Expertise and Insight

Holistic Approach to Problem-Solving

Commitment to Partnership and Collaboration

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